A lot has happened at Sarawagi over the past couple of weeks.
For starters, guess who’s had a makeover – the office! We’ve added a few more rug and swatch displays for our staff’s viewing pleasure. So when they walk into the office every morning they can see that all their hard work is being put to good use.

Secondly, we have our brand new hire Bimala Bajracharya. Bimala just graduated with a Sociology degree and when she’s not at Sarawagi she’s volunteering at a youth organization in Kathmandu, helping spread awareness about the importance of preserving Nepal’s cultural heritage. So when we say we want people who share our values on our team, you know we mean it!

As you can see, it’s a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. As our design team works on the Spring/Summer 2013 collection, we are spending a lot of time on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. Find us, LIKE us and Follow us, because there is a lot happening that you won’t want to miss.